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rArB rCrD rErF rGrH rIrJ rKrL rMrN rOrP rQrR rSrT rUrV rWrX rYrZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
CLENZAEG epoxy haze remover 19
CLENZAGA adhesive remover 3, 19, 35
HACKER tough stains remover 3
LIPCHU hair remover +woman 3
MANIAR auto remover 7
SILKEN hair remover wax 3
SCALE GON removes limescale 3
BULLET stain removing gun 7
MAHINDRA renegade 12
DR. REKHA SHETH'S renew 3, 5
ITC VIVEL cell renew lotion 3
renewable energy generation 7, 9, 37, 40
AGIP ip renewal 16, 42
SAHARA renewal +sun & circl 3, 4
INDIA TIMES renewals 9, 16, 38, 41
renne kura 25
a ASIS renovate your life 20
PERFECT white renovator 3
rent 36
C CUMMINS power rent 37
EXPREZ rent a car 39
IN TOUCH rent a car 39
JTM rent a phone +phone 9
LOTUS rent-a-car +flower 39
POORTI rent-a-car +heart 39
SPICE rent-a-mobile 16
do rent 39
do rent.com 36
DATTA KRUPA car rental 16
MAKSON TRAVELS car rental 16
MARCO rental POWER 40
V.R.T. car rental service 39
WTI travel & rentals 39
rep val 16
BLACK SEAL tire repair seal 17
ECOPATCH-GP repair mortar 19
FIAMA DI WILLS scalp repair 3
I-PACK tyre & tube repair 12
INWO tyre & tube repair 35
LACTO CALAMINE skin repair 3
LARK tyre & tube repair 1, 17
MOOG authentic repair 16
R.K. mobile repair POINT 37
SCOTT bond repair 1
SOMNI tyre & tube repair 12
SOS repair 16
TECH tyre & tube repair 12
THERMO repair 3
colour repair 3
FIBRE CHRGE repairs hair 3
TECH tire repairs +ovals 12
DOMEX repel 3, 5
APOLLO mosqutio repellant 5
DUROXANE water repellant 2
GOPAL mosqutio repellant 5
JOIE mosquito repellant 9
LAN-TEX mosquito repellant 5
AGNIREKHA bird repellent 1
DEAR mosquito repellent 5
DERMIGUARD water repellent 3
FIGHTER mosquito repellent 3, 5
MAGIC mosquito repellent 5
MOSQURE mosquito repellent 5
REPOMOS mosquito repellent 5
SANTRI mosquito repellent 5
TUF-KOTE rat repellent 5
YAMATE insect repellent 5
YESPRAY mosquito repellent 5
Z PLUS mosquito repellent 5
santri mosquito repellent 3
COLGATE replace 21
OVA replace first +plants 5
I INDUS joint replacement 10
SB SUBSWAY replacement part 12
SB automobile replacement 12
replacement 12
VIMCO replacement bond 11
PLUTO sugar replacer 1
LAKME skin replenishing 3
10 STAR report 16
KUONI travel report-india 16
RAMCO report distribution 19
SOLO report cover 16
STAR report 9
THE TIMES OF india report 9
k-click-report suite 9
KUMUDAM reporter 16
PMR punjab market reporter 35
TOBACCO reporter 16
national reporter 9
ENARADA 'reporting reality' 16
FLEXI reports +spiral 16
reptile 34, 41
reptile & circle 3, 14, 18, 21, 25, 26, 40
reptile & circles 8
reptile & oval 18, 25
B +reptile & shield 28
BIHU +reptile 9
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